Explore sustainable real estate in New York City. LEED certified, Passive House and Energy Star buildings.
Our map is a work in-progress. If you know of a green building that is not on the map, please submit it and we will add it.
Why Do Green Buildings Matter?
Buildings account for 75% of green house gas emissions in New York City. Therefore energy efficient sustainable architecture is essential to mitigating climate change.
Buildings account for almost one-half of the world's material and energy consumption, one-sixth of freshwater use, and a quarter of all wood harvested.
In June 2019, New York State adopted the country’s most ambitious climate targets with the passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. New measures are putting the state on a path to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050 and net zero emissions in all sectors of the economy, including 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040.
We are working to present a series of interactive events where we will hear from architects, technology and material suppliers, scientists and developers operating in the green-building and wellness space.